
Pharmaceutical agreements. Social Security and National Health System pharmaceutical assistance

Juan de la Cruz Ferrer

“La regulación legal de la prestación del servicio público y la regulación contractual de su gestión indirecta: su confusión en la jurisprudencia sobre los conciertos farmacéuticos”. Revista de Administración Pública, 213, 209-223. Juan de la Cruz Ferrer.

Until two Judgments of the Supreme Court of June 24, 2019, the agreements signed by the Health Services with the pharmacy offices, to provide the service of pharmaceutical assistance of the National Health System, had not received a legal qualification in case law. The legal classification of pharmaceutical agreements by the Supreme Court as a non-commercial operation, which generates ex lege obligations, has serious consequences because it excludes the application of the Public Sector Contract Act. In the analysis of these Judgments, we argue that they make the mistake of applying the legal regime of the provision of public service by the pharmacist to the user, which has a legal regulation, to the relationship between the Public Administration and the pharmacist to arrange the management of the service, which has a contractual regulation.

Pharmaceutical agreements; Social Security and National Health System pharmaceutical assistance; contracts legal qualification; public service management and provision.

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La Revista de Administración Pública fue fundada, en 1950, por iniciativa del profesor E. García de Enterría, y desde entonces viene publicándose, ininterrumpidamente, cada cuatrimestre. Declarada de interés público, en 1961, es editada por el Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales. La RAP publica estudios; comentarios de jurisprudencia; crónicas de Derecho español y comunitario; crónicas de Derecho extranjero e iberoamericano; y recensiones de libros. La RAP es la revista de Derecho administrativo de referencia, no solamente en España, sino también en los países de Latinoamérica.