
Manuel Balado 

Ph.D. Law University of Valladolid (1987) and Ph.D. European Law University d’Aix-Marseille III, France (1995). Diploma from the Institut d’Études Politiques d’Aix-en-Provence. Career Officer of the Military Legal Corps (Lieutenant Colonel Auditor in the reserve).

Professor of Administrative Law and Director of the UNESCO Chair in Comparative Political and Administrative Science since 2003.

He was Professor of Special Administrative Law of S.A.R. the Prince of Asturias (current King Felipe VI) at the Autonomous University of Madrid (Course 1991-92).

Author and director of numerous works and studies of Constitutional and Administrative Law.

Areas of specialization: Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Economic Regulation, Political Science and National Defense.

Distinguished with various Spanish and foreign decorations, including two Crosses of San Raimundo de Peñafort, the Gold Medal of the National Defense of France, Cross of Military Merit, two Crosses of Aeronautical Merit and Plate, Encomienda and Cruz de la Real and Military Order of San Hermenegildo.

Languages: Spanish, French
Gómez Miranda
Antonio Camuñas